Thursday, September 20, 2007

Famiglia Maschia

Family Crest History
Famiglia Maschia

The history of the Maschia family is long and illustrious, originating the in small town of Frazione, just south of Rome along the Tiber. From these humble beginnings, the ambitious family expanded into near-by areas and soon very far abroad, eventually distributing themselves all over the known world, becoming well known in all their exotic locals. After a time, though, the family elements slowly returned the Rome area from whence they came, congregating in the area near the Tiber in Rome called Trastevere, which was named by the Maschia family, simply meaning “across the Tiber,” when local residents roused the family’s modesty as they attempted to name the river the “Maschier” in recognition of the family’s importance. The modern incarnation of the Maschia family crest contains three symbols: the compass rose, a chef’s hat and instruments, and a boot and key arranged together.

Compass Rose:
The Maschia family’s association with the compass rose is an amusing one that reveals much about the family’s habits through the ages. It is a traditional Maschia game to pick the quickest route to a desired endpoint. Part way into the journey, though, another member of the family will loudly and persuasively counter with a drastically different route in an entirely new direction. Soon into this new route, yet another will be put forth, and this will continue for quite some time. Eventually the game comes to an end when the venturing party is either too tired to go further or through some freak of fate the family reaches their destination. The compass rose represents the family’s freedom of movement and lack of borders and restrictions when it comes to traveling to a new destination.

Chef’s Equipment:
The chef’s hat and various tools have long been symbols found with and associated with the Maschia family. For as long as sources record and right up to the present day the family has produced many successful chefs, all of which are highly regarded in this profession. Indeed, three of the six living members of the direct Maschia line are recognized chefs with superb skills in the kitchen. Particularly the family’s long secret cheesecake recipe keeps them in the good stead of food lovers everywhere. The chef’s hat and tools make clear to all who observe the crest that this family is famous for its cooking. They are, perhaps, most famous for having invented the Italian classics Tiramisu and Gelato.

Boot and Key:
The Boot and Key found on the Maschia family crest are a testament to the family’s long tradition of traveling great distances to operate their livelihood, namely studying Roman history and culture. Sometime adult family members have to travel over many hills and rivers multiple times a day to traverse the distance separating central Rome and their old family estate in Trastevere. The boot found on their crest symbolizes the far distances this family travels, and the key their love and respect of the home, the place that draws them through these great journeys over hill and dale, all the way into out present times.

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